RT @csswizardry: A quick PSA, purely because I’ve gone through the exact same thing with my last three clients: Lazyloading is the exception rather than the rule. Don’t lazy-load anything you actually want people to see quickly (PDP images, heroes, etc.)

from Twitter https://twitter.com/mrwiblog

RT @gerrymcgovern: Came across a great report on designing for a circular economy. It was a 1.6 MB PDF. Converted the report into webpage. It was 300 KB, 20% the weight of the PDF. PDF is like a diesel truck. Good HTML is like an electric car.

from Twitter https://twitter.com/mrwiblog

RT @BatleyFoodBank: ***LOCK DOWN UPDATE *** We are continuing to open as normal, providing food for people referred to us. We are open Monday to Friday, 1 till 3 pm. It’s looking, sadly, as if demand is increasing.

from Twitter https://twitter.com/mrwiblog