RT @gerrymcgovern: Great principles for a low impact website from @Organic_Basics : 1. Does not load any images before they are actively requested by the user. 2. Minimizes the power consumption on the users device.

from Twitter https://twitter.com/mrwiblog

RT @mor10: You’re a designer / developer / tech worker and watching #TheSocialDilema on @Netflix has you questioning your role in perpetuating #SurveillanceCapitalism and other harmful practices. Now you’re asking yourself “What can I do to change things?” Good news: there are answers! 1/x

from Twitter https://twitter.com/mrwiblog

Hey @shanselman can you touch-type? Did you teach yourself? If so, when? I’m trying to convince my 14yo boy to learn it now before he ends up with the pain I sometimes get.

from Twitter https://twitter.com/mrwiblog

This. I’ve met many devs who dislike PHP essentially because it’s easy. They *want* coding to be hard, to keep people out of the industry who they deem ‘not worthy’. “Modern” tool chains and frameworks do exactly this. https://t.co/PgNS7Q6KQy

from Twitter https://twitter.com/mrwiblog