The last few weeks

The last few weeks have been, to say the least, hectic. As well as the new projects and job I’ve started we’ve had a couple of special events happening.

The marriage blessing cakeIt’s not often you get the opportunity to throw a really BIG party, and we didn’t waste our chance when our youngest chgild Reuben was baptised/christened (call it what you will) and our marriage blessed at our church a couple of weeks ago. It was, to say the least, a fantastic day. We had over 140 people at the church service, and about 60 came to a restaurant for a meal afterwards.

The christening cakeWe really tried to make it a special day, and many people have said to us since how much they enjoyed the church service. And, of course, the food went down well, too. Rather than plaster pictures of us here which would no doubt lead to cries of consternation, here are a couple of pictures of the cakes that people very kindly made for us.

Boo Hewerdine from behindThe other event we went to was a friends 40th birthday party. He’d booked one of his all-time songwriting heroes, Boo Hewerdine, and had got a band together. However a few days before the drummer broke her wrist, so he called me in as backup. It was a really enjoyable gig, and I highly recommend downloading the free MP3s from Boos site – and buying some of his CDs, too. Here’s a little picture of my view of Boo from behind the drums.

So after the excitement of Reubens first Christmas and all those parties, it’s nose to the grindstone to get projects finished in time for deadlines. Which means I shouldn’t sit here any longer writing this. Toodle-pip.

Back from the deep…

Well, I survived. And not only that but I had a good time. There was even chance for me to waffle a bit about my beliefs (obsession?) about the spiritual link between jazz and website design.

Anyway, I’m sure I’ll attend another Deep to Deep soon. Thanks for a good time, everyone.

Deep to deep…

In just a few hours I’ll be hosting a Deep to Deep event at my church, as organised here.

Now, meeting a group of strangers off the intercybernetweb is a bit of a wierd thing to do at the best of times. I know, I’ve done it a lot. When those people are geeks it’s even worse. When they’re music geeks – and *shudder* bass players, no less – the thought is daunting in the extreme.

So, I’ll let you know how it went when I get back. Or, *if* I get back ;0)

Bad things to happen to music…

Now maybe I could be accused of being deaf, stupid or both, but I quite like Sting. While the early stuff with the Police was the lighter, commercial end of rock-ska, and the later stuff bordering on drivel, he has written some of the most iconing songs ever. Don’t believe me? That’s fine, I’m strong enough to stick up for my musical tastes, however wierd they are. I am a jazz trombonist, after all.

So I was a little bit disappointed to see the Stingmeister appear this list of the worst things to happen to music (via Aurgasm). Oh well, he’s amongst some legendary names.

Anyway, I promise my regular geeky ramblings will be back soon, with further entries on my content management system, that whole thing, and plenty of blatant self-promotion. I bet you can’t wait.