It’s not often I write about faith, at least not on a personal level. Time to remedy that. This picture from one of my favourite cartoonists jumped out at me and said something along the lines of “Why not?”. So, here I am.
I’m not sure what this picture meant to Hugh when he drew it, but for me it mirrors how I feel about various things at the moment. Time moves on, situations change, but we all carry the same cross. It’s just attached to us by different nails.
You see, things are in a state of flux at the moment, faith-wise. I’ve been a member of a fairly mainstream Church of England church for almost 5 years. But I’ve been treading water, to be honest. It’s easy to do that – especially if you know the church “drill” well.
But things need to change. It’s getting increasingly obvious that I have a responsibility to use whatever talents I’ve been given to make the church, the community in it and the outside community better. That sounds all grand and pompous, but of course I know I’m just one small wheel in the machine. But it only takes one wheel to get stuck and it affects everything. I think there’s something in the Bible which says something like that.
So what we, by which I mean the music group, are trying to change is firstly ourselves. If we can get a bit more real, a bit more passionate and heartfelt, a bit more sensitive, then maybe we’ll start having a positive effect on the church. This is, to put it bluntly, really scary and uncomfortable. Maybe we’ll do it, maybe we won’t. But after years of paddling at the edge it’s time I dived in.
Thank you for sharing; I see in the picture the different struggles we all have to bear and conquer through life.
And my prayers for you and the music group. A blessed Easter to you.